Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Why Content Marketing? Role of content marketing ?

A strong strategy needs to map to what the audience is looking for no matter where they are in the sales funnel. They’re spending more time researching before they reach out to buy, and brands can provide the answers they need through content. Informative content like blogs and info graphics do wonders for early-stage brand awareness. When prospects are getting ready to make a purchase, they’ll want more immersive collateral such as whitepapers, eBooks or product videos. Providing these resources sets brands apart from the competition:

Attention-Grabbing Content :

The right content makes you memorable. We emphasize and encourage imagination in all we do to deliver content that turns heads and can’t be ignored. You must anticipate and answer questions, but you have to do so in a way that tells a story and compels the reader to return to your site as a trusted resource. Not all digital marketing agencies understand that as well as Brafton does.

Results-Driven Strategies:

What really makes your content soar is the strategy behind it. Through careful planning, Brafton’s strategists decipher the best types of content to develop for your audience, the message you want to convey, and the ideal time and place to reach them. Fluid strategies that anticipate and adapt to your audience’s needs will fuel your goals and deliver strong results.

Brand-Broadening Management:

Good content marketing services do more than connect you with your current customers. Brafton’s holistic approach to content management leverages your content to broaden your audience and generate new leads. We help you find and get to know your customers, and our in-house technology helps them find your content.

What is Content Marketing in Digital Marketing?

Content marketing is about getting the right information to the right audience at the right time. It grows your brand and fosters relationships, adding the depth and visibility you need to be successful in today's marketplace. With so many options to create diverse content and a tailored strategy, content marketing is a perfect fit for virtually every business in every industry.

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What steps would you follow to optimize a website?

 For optimizing a website, following steps, should be followed:

1. Keyword Research

All the search optimization begins with keyword research. It is important to have an understanding of the current search landscape and your keywords. This will help at the beginning of any marketing strategy as well as occasional re-evaluate. Since these numbers change continuously, therefore, you have to keep yourself up-to-date.

It is crucial to use Google Keyword Planner, begin with your location and industry.

2. Craft outstanding content with keywords

While creating content, you must keep the keywords in mind. The main motive of the content is to reach the audience who are looking for it. With proper keywords, you can help content reach effectively. Try to use keywords as often as possible but naturally.

3. Speed up your website

Slow running websites are a curse. It is important to make sure your page is always up to speed. You can do this by a tool called Google Speed Insights. This tool will help tell if your page is running slow and give suggestions on how to speed it up.

4. Update page titles

Most of the businesses have page titles as simply their business’s name. The best search names usually follow the city + service format. For instance, Delhi – Digital Creativity is a page title which could be the best search name.

Friday, October 6, 2017

What is robots.txt?

Robots.txt is one way of telling the Search Engine Bots about the web pages on your website which you do not want them to visit.

Robots.txt is useful for preventing the indexation of the parts of any online content that website owners do not want to display.

IF you  want to block all search engine robots from crawling your website, just put the follow code:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

IF you  want to block Google from crawling your website, just put the follow code:

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /

It is important to decide the location of Robots.txt very carefully, or else errors might occur while displaying the website.

Image result for robot.txt

What are the most important Google ranking factors?

According to Andrey Lipattsev, the Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, the top 3 ranking factors affecting the search engine algorithm of Google are:
1 Content
2 Backlinks
3 RankBrain

Why are backlinks important in SEO?

From the perspective of SEO, there is a difference between backlinks and quality backlinks.
For Google search, random backlinks do not offer any help. Google assesses the quality of the backlinks present on a webpage with the relevancy found in the content of both the web pages.
The higher is the relevance between the original content and backlink content, the greater becomes the quality of the backlinks.

Why are backlinks important in SEO
Quality backlinks bring more referral traffic to a website/blog, and most importantly will improve the ranking of a webpage.

What is an outgoing link?

An outbound link is a hyperlink that points at a targeted or external domain and is different from the links present on the Source domain. For example, if you provide links of other third-party web pages on your website, those would be external links to your site.
Outbound links bear great importance in SEO as they provide your web pages with more quality and value for the search engine ranking. Google search engine counts outbound links as third-party votes which improve the ranking of your web page.

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What are incoming links?

Inbound Links, also known as incoming links or backlinks, refer to the hyperlinks present on a third-party web page that directs users to your web page only.
Inbound links can be based on both text and graphics. However, textual inbound links are more useful in drawing greater traffic and improving the PageRank level of any webpage.

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What is Internal Linking?

Internal Linking is a process of providing hyperlinks on the web pages that connect to the same domain. It is another way of directing the visitors from one web page to another of the same website.

Internal linking structure in SEO

They help search engine spiders to crawl and index all the inner pages of a website/blog easily and such links help in building information hierarchy while pushing up the link juice level in any given website and allowing the visitors to navigate the website pages properly.

What is a No-Follow link?

A No-Follow link is exactly the opposite of a Do-Follow link as such the link attributes do not allow the Google bots to follow them. These links cannot be followed by robots; only humans can do it.
No-follow link attributes are structured in the following manner:
<a href=”http://www.example.com/” rel=”nofollow”>Link text</a>

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What is a Do-Follow link?

A Do-Follow Link, as the name suggests, allows Google link calculator called PageRank to count all the inbound links from other web pages and websites as link points.
The higher the link juice or link points are, the greater would be the search ranking of that web page, as these links make the web page appear very relevant and popular to the Google search engines.

 Do Follow Links-SEO tutorials Step by step guide

What are backlinks?

 Backlinks are also called incoming links that help users to shift from one web page to the other web pages. These links play an important part in SEO.
When Google search engine views multiple quality backlinks to a page, it considers the page to be more relevant to the search query, which helps in its indexing process and improves its organic ranking on SERPs.

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What are meta descriptions?

 Meta descriptions are also called HTML attributes which should provide an accurate description of any web page content. These descriptions act as preview snippets of the web pages over the SERP page.

Meta Description Tag

Meta descriptions, which should ideally be within 150 characters, enhance the promotional value of the web pages, and can gain greater user click-throughs, if performed correctly.