Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Content Optimization in SEO

The content of your website is important for the search engines as they consider your website's relevancy and importance based on both meta tags and content in relation to the important keywords you fight for. There are several guidelines you should follow:

Include keywords in text

You should make sure that all those keywords you have included in your meta tags and on which searches you wish to come up are included in the text of your site.

Consider 5-20% density of the keywords in text

You should make sure that about 5% to no more than 20% of your text is keywords. Be careful not to overcrowd your text with keywords cause you might get penalized. Note that you should have the most important keyword(s) in the beginning of the page as thus they are given more weight.

Mind the formatting of the text

Formatting (bolding, H1 titles, etc.) is also important to show the search engines that certain words are more important than others. Thus, if you bold your keywords in your text, they are perceived as more important than other words and thus your text becomes more relevant to these keywords.You should be especially aware of the H1 and subsequent title tags. The H1 is html abbreviation of the most important title on the web page. Make sure you use your most important keyword in that title.

Add regularly relevant content to site

You should make sure that you add relevant content to your website. This content addition invites Google to visit your site more often and increase its relevance and importance. An easy way to refresh content is adding a news or tweet module to display most recent feeds.

Metatag Optimization

The meta tags are a very important part of the HTML code of your web page. They are read by the search engines but are not displayed as a part of your web page content. Usually they include a concise summary of the web page content and you should include your relevant keywords in them. Most meta tags are included within the 'header' html code of a website. They are title, description, keywords and robot tags, but currently the most important two are title and description. These two are displayed by search engines when listing your website in search results.

How to optimize meta tags?

The title tag and the meta description should include keywords relevant to the content of the web page they describe. You should consider the length and the order of the characters/words included in each of the meta tags. Note that the search engine robots read from left to right and those words that come first are more important than those that come towards the end of the page.

Title Tag

It could be said that the title is one of the most important factors for a successful search engine optimization of your website. Located within the <head> section, right above the Description and Keywords tag, it provides summarized information about your website. Besides that, the title is what appears on search engines result page (SERP). The title tags should be between 10-60 characters. This is not a law, but a relative guideline - a few more symbols is not a problem, you won't get penalized for having longer title tags, but the search engine will simply ignore the longer part. Make sure the most important keyword you have decided to fight for is used in your title tag and as early in the phrase as possible.

Meta Description Tag

The description tag should be written in such way that it will show what information your website contains or what your website is about. Write short and clear sentences that will not confuse your visitors. The description tag should be less than 200 characters. The meta description tag also has a great importance for the SEO optimization of your page. It is most important for the prospect visitor when looking at the search engine result page - this tag is often displayed there and helps you to distinguish your site from the others in the list. Again, use one or more of your most important keywords in that tag.

Meta Keywords Tag

Lately, the meta keyword tag has become the least important tag for the search engines and especially Google. Many websites have stopped adding keywords meta tags.

Meta Robots Tag

This tag helps you to specify the way your website will be crawled by the search engine. There are 4 types of Meta Robots Tag:

Index, Follow - The search engine robots will start crawling your website from the main/index page and then will continue to the rest of the pages.

Index, NoFollow - The search engine robots will start crawling your website from the main/index page and then will NOT continue to the rest of the pages.

NoIndex, Follow - The search engine robots will skip the main/index page, but will crawl the rest of the pages.

NoIndex, NoFollow - None of your pages will be crawled by the robot and your website will not be indexes by the search engines.

If you want to be sure that all robots will crawl your website we advise you to add a "Index, follow" meta robot tag. Please note that most of the search engine crawlers will index your page staring from the index page, continuing to the rest of the pages, even if you do not have a robot tag. So if you wish your page not to be crawled or to be crawled differently use the appropriate robot tag.

How to edit meta tags?

You can edit your meta tags through the File Manager in the cPanel of your hosting account. You need to edit the file of each web page. The file contains the HTML code of the page.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Google Algorithms

Almost every day, Google introduces changes to its ranking algorithm. Some are tiny tweaks; others seriously shake up the SERPs. This cheat sheet will help you make sense of the most important algo changes and penalties rolled out in the recent years, with a brief overview and SEO advice on each. Read on or get the cheat sheet in a free PDF.

But before we start, let’s do something fun. What if you could see which of the updates impacted your organic traffic, and in what way? Surprise surprise, you can, with a tool called Rank Tracker. All you need to do is launch Rank Tracker and create a project for your site. Then, click the Update Traffic button in Rank Tracker’s top menu, and enter your Google Analytics credentials to sync your account with the tool. In the lower part of your Rank Tracker dashboard, switch to Organic Traffic:

Did any of your traffic changes correlate with Google’s updates? Let’s find out what each of the updates was about and how to adjust.

1. Panda
Launch date: February 24, 2011
Hazards: Duplicate, plagiarized or thin content; user-generated spam; keyword stuffing

How it works: Panda assigns a so-called “quality score” to web pages; this score is then used as a ranking factor. Initially, Panda was a filter rather than part of Google’s ranking algo, but in January 2016, it was officially incorporated into the core algorithm. Panda rollouts have become more frequent, so both penalties and recoveries now happen faster.

How to adjust: Run regular site checks for content duplication, thin content and keyword stuffing. To do that, you’ll need a site crawler, like SEO PowerSuite’s Website Auditor.
To check for instances of external content duplication, use a plagiarism checker like Copyscape.

If you have an e-commerce site and cannot afford to have 100 percent unique content, try to use original images where you can, and utilize user reviews to make product descriptions stand out from the crowd. For more tips on content auditing, jump to this six-step guide.

2. Penguin
Launch date: April 24, 2012
Hazards: Spammy or irrelevant links; links with over-optimized anchor text

How it works: Google Penguin’s objective is to down-rank sites whose links it deems manipulative. Since late 2016, Penguin has been part of Google’s core algorithm; unlike Panda, it works in real time.

How to adjust: Monitor your link profile’s growth and run regular audits with a backlink checker like SEO SpyGlass. In the tool’s Summary dashboard, you’ll find a progress graph for your link profile’s growth. Look out for any unusual spikes: those are reason enough to look into the backlinks you’ve unexpectedly gained.
The stats that we know Penguin takes into account are incorporated into SEO SpyGlass’s Penalty Risk formula. To check for penalty risks, go to the Linking Domains dashboard, navigate to the Link Penalty Risks tab, select your links, and click Update Penalty Risk. When the check is complete, check with the Penalty Risk column, and make sure to look into every link with a score over 50 percent.
3. Hummingbird
Launch date: August 22, 2013
Hazards: Keyword stuffing; low-quality content

How it works: Hummingbird helps Google better interpret search queries and provide results that match searcher intent (as opposed to the individual terms within the query). While keywords continue to be important, Hummingbird makes it possible for a page to rank for a query even if it doesn’t contain the exact words the searcher entered. This is achieved with the help of natural language processing that relies on latent semantic indexing, co-occurring terms and synonyms.

How to adjust: Expand your keyword research and focus on concepts, not keywords. Carefully research related searches, synonyms and co-occurring terms. Great sources of such ideas are Google Related Searches and Google Autocomplete. You’ll find all of them incorporated into Rank Tracker’s Keyword Research module.
Use these insights to understand your audience’s language better and diversify your content. By creating comprehensive content that satisfies searcher intent, you’ll win both in terms of engagement and SEO. We’ll look at comprehensiveness in more detail later in this post when we discuss RankBrain.

4. Pigeon
Launch date: July 24, 2014 (US); December 22, 2014 (UK, Canada, Australia)
Hazards: Poor on- and off-page SEO

How it works: Pigeon affects those searches in which the user’s location plays an important part. The update created closer ties between the local algorithm and the core algorithm: traditional SEO factors are now used to rank local results.

How to adjust: Invest effort into on- and off-page SEO. A good starting point is running an on-page analysis with WebSite Auditor. The tool’s Content Analysis dashboard will give you a good idea about the aspects of on-page optimization you need to focus on.

A good way to start with off-page SEO is getting listed in relevant business directories. Not only do those act like backlinks, helping your site rank; they rank well in Google themselves. You can easily find quality directories and reach out to webmasters asking to get listed with LinkAssistant.
Just click Look for Prospects, select Directories, and enter your keywords. It’s a good idea to specify category keywords plus your location (e.g., “dentist Denver”). In a moment, the tools will return a list of relevant directories in your niche, along with the site owner’s email addresses.
For more tips on local SEO, jump to this guide.

5. Mobile
Launch date: April 21, 2015
Hazards: Lack of a mobile version of the page; poor mobile usability

How it works: Google’s Mobile Update (aka Mobilegeddon) ensures that mobile-friendly pages rank at the top of mobile search, while pages not optimized for mobile are filtered out from the SERPs or seriously down-ranked.

How to adjust: Go mobile and focus on speed and usability. Google’s mobile-friendly test will help you see which aspects of your page’s mobile version need to be improved. The test in integrated into WebSite Auditor so you can check your pages’ mobile friendliness quickly. You’ll find it in Content Analysis > Page Audit, under the Technical factors tab.
6. RankBrain
Launch date: October 26, 2015
Hazards: Lack of query-specific relevance features; shallow content; poor UX

How it works: RankBrain is part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm. It is a machine learning system that helps Google understand the meaning behind queries, and serve best-matching search results in response to those queries. Google calls RankBrain the third most important ranking factor. While we don’t know the ins and outs of RankBrain, the general opinion is that it identifies relevance features for web pages ranking for a given query, which are basically query-specific ranking factors.

How to adjust: Optimize content for relevance and comprehensiveness with the help of competitive analysis. With the help of WebSite Auditor‘s TF-IDF tool, you can discover relevant terms and concepts used by a large number of your top-ranking competitors: those are a brilliant way to diversify your content.
7. Possum
Launch date: September 1, 2016
Hazards: Tense competition in your target location

How it works: The Possum update ensured that local results vary more depending on the searcher’s location: the closer you are to a business’s address, the more likely you are to see it among local results. Possum also resulted in greater variety among results ranking for very similar queries, like “dentist denver” and “dentist denver co.” Interestingly, Possum also gave a boost to businesses located outside the physical city area.

How to adjust: Expand your keyword list and do location-specific rank tracking. Local businesses now need to be targeting more keywords than they used to, due to the volatility Possum brought into the local SERPs. As you check your rankings, make sure you’re doing this from your target location (or, better yet, a bunch of them). You can do this in Rank Tracker under Preferences > Preferred Search Engines. Click Add Custom next to Google. Next, specify your preferred location — you can make it as specific as a street address.
8. Fred
Launch date: March 8, 2017
Hazards: Thin, affiliate-heavy or ad-centered content

How it works: The latest of Google’s confirmed updates, Fred targets websites that violate Google’s webmaster guidelines. The majority of affected sites are blogs with low-quality posts that appear to be created mostly for the purpose of generating ad revenue.

How to adjust: Review Google Search Quality Guidelines and watch out for thin content. If you show ads, make sure the pages they are found on are high-quality and offer relevant, ample information. This is basically it: Don’t try to trick Google into thinking your page is about something when it really is a gateway page full of affiliate links. Most publishers make money off ads, and that’s totally legit as long as you are not cheating.

What is Search Engine Algorithms?

Unique to every search engine, and just as important as keywords, search engine algorithms are the why and the how of search engine rankings. Basically, a search engine algorithm is a set of rules, or a unique formula, that the search engine uses to determine the significance of a web page, and each search engine has its own set of rules. These rules determine whether a web page is real or just spam, whether it has any significant data that people would be interested in, and many other features to rank and list results for every search query that is begun, to make an organized and informational search engine results page. The algorithms, as they are different for each search engine, are also closely guarded secrets, but there are certain things that all search engine algorithms have in common.

1. Relevancy – One of the first things a search engine algorithm checks for is the relevancy of the page. Whether it is just scanning for keywords, or looking at how these keywords are used, the algorithm will determine whether this web page has any relevancy at all for the particular keyword. Where the keywords are located is also an important factor to the relevancy of a website. Web pages that have the keywords in the title, as well as within the headline or the first few lines of the text will rank better for that keyword than websites that do not have these features. The frequency of the keywords also is important to relevancy. If the keywords appear frequently, but are not the result of keyword stuffing, the website will rank better.

2. Individual Factors – A second part of search engine algorithms are the individual factors that make that particular search engine different from every other search engine out there. Each search engine has unique algorithms, and the individual factors of these algorithms are why a search query turns up different results on Google than MSN or Yahoo!. One of the most common individual factors is the number of pages a search engine indexes. They may just have more pages indexed, or index them more frequently, but this can give different results for each search engine. Some search engines also penalize for spamming, while others do not.

3. Off-Page Factors – Another part of algorithms that is still individual to each search engine are off-page factors. Off-page factors are such things as click-through measurement and linking. The frequency of click-through rates and linking can be an indicator of how relevant a web page is to actual users and visitors, and this can cause an algorithm to rank the web page higher. Off-page factors are harder for web masters to craft, but can have an enormous effect on page rank depending on the search engine algorithm.

Search engine algorithms are the mystery behind search engines, sometimes even amusingly called the search engine’s “Secret Sauce”. Beyond the basic functions of a search engine, the relevancy of a web page, the off-page factors, and the unique factors of each search engine help make the algorithms of each engine an important part of the search engine optimization design.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.

One of the key components of SMM is social media optimization (SMO). Like search engine optimization (SEO), SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a website. SMO can be done two ways: adding social media links to content, such as RSS feeds and sharing buttons -- or promoting activity through social media by updating statuses or tweets, or blog posts.

SMM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers) while making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media give customers the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship management  (social CRM).

SMM became more common with the increased popularity of websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, and YouTube. In response, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has updated its rules to include SMM. If a company or its advertising agency provides a blogger or other online commenter with free products or other incentives to generate positive buzz for a product, the online comments will be treated legally as endorsements. Both the blogger and the company will be held responsible for ensuring that the incentives are clearly and conspicuously disclosed, and that the blogger's posts contain no misleading or unsubstantiated statements and otherwise complies with the FTC's rules concerning unfair or deceptive advertising.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Social Media Optimization (SMO) ?

Search media is on the rise. SMO stands for Social Media Optimization or Social Marketing optimization. From whatever angle, you look at it, one thing that stands out is the word Marketing. Today everything works around marketing. So when you speak of marketing, it is connected with internet and search engines.

Search Engines:

Search Engines are successful up on the use of right keywords. Right Keywords does all the tricks in the social media. Most startups or online business depend on the internet. Today lots of people prefer buying online searching with the help of keywords. Keywords or search engines direct you to the website, which can help you boost your business in return. Most online businesses run on word of mouth and good reviews. It all depends on how you optimize your social media marketing skills to the fullest and make your business reach its target audience.

SMO – The Future Is Here

SMO is optimized by RSS Feeds like video, bloggings, photo sharing, and anything that is media related. The purpose of optimizing SMO is to divert the traffic to search engines which are linked to popular social media like twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or snapchat.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites.

Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter is a social site designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, in contrast, is a full-blown social networking site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.

How Are Search & Social Media Marketing Related?

Why would a search marketer — or a site about search engines — care about social media? The two are very closely related.

Social media often feeds into the discovery of new content such as news stories, and “discovery” is a search activity. Social media can also help build links that in turn support into SEO efforts. Many people also perform searches at social media sites to find social media content. Social connections may also impact the relevancy of some search results, either within a social media network or at a ‘mainstream’ search engine.

Social Media Marketing At Marketing Land

Marketing Land is the sister site to Search Engine Land that covers all facets of internet marketing, including these popular topics within social media marketing:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Linkedin
  • YouTube
  • Social Media Marketing How To Guides & more!

Friday, October 20, 2017

What is Google Webmasters Tools, Why do you use it?

GWT is used for managing our site properties and settings on Google search engine. Some of the most important features are

  • Geographic Targeting
  • Search Queries – We can analyze the top queries for our website in 90 days period
  • Backlinks Tool – To analyze the number of backlinks as seen by Google Bot
  • Geographical Targeting
  • Remove pages tool
  • Fetch as Google Bot
  • Snippet Testing Tool
  • Sitemaps

Saturday, October 14, 2017

How we install WordPress Theme in my Website or blog?

Now a days, everyone wants that the look of their website is become responsive, attractive for all user. Because attractive website is a part of increase the traffic. From this, our website SEO Ranking
is also improved. So Lets Start, follow some steps to install WordPress theme:

1. Open WordPress website.

2. Now Go to Dash Board on your WordPress Website.

3. Then you see the Appearance Tab.

4. After that When you drag your mouse on Appearance tab, then you see Theme Tab under        Appearance  tab.

5. Now Click on Theme you see here . So many Theme are Visible there.

6. Click on Add New Button.

7. When you click on Add New Button then there a lot of theme present here. You have to Choose any theme according to your Requirement.

8. Now you click on any theme.

9. Here you two button on theme i.e. Install and Preview . When you click on Preview Button then you see your website look before install them.

10. But for installing a theme we click on Install Button.

11. Now you see installing is in Progress.

12. After installing theme now you activate theme in your website by click on Active Button.

13. Now you see Customize Window appear.

14. After that customize window appear. If you want to Customize then do it now, Otherwise for viewing your website look. Go to Home.

15. In Home Menu, you see Visit Site sub-Menu Option. Click on this. Now your Website is Open.

 Now you see you are successfully installed  a new theme in your website.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Alexa Rank Checker Tool | Digital Creativity

What is Alexa Traffic Ranking?

Alexa Internet Inc. is a subsidiary of; a company that is based in California, USA. Alexa specializes in commercial web traffic data. It provides internet users with a free toolbar since the mid-1997, so the user has quick access to web tools in his browser. Primarily, the toolbar provides data about which websites the user visits; and since there are already millions of users with the toolbar worldwide, Alexa can then identify the popularity of a website as well as its competitors.

It is important for website owners and bloggers to know their Alexa ranking because it shows how many visitors have viewed their web page. It gives them a clear idea of how popular their website is on the internet and the ranking of their competitors.

The Alexa Traffic Ranking is based on a 3-month period of the traffic data gathered from its toolbars. It comes for free on a website and also provides periodic reviews of the most popular websites.

How reliable is Alexa Ranking?

The reliability of Alexa Ranking mostly depends on the number of users of the toolbar. However, the exact number and the origin of users of the toolbar are not disclosed to the public. But still, it is likely to create a ruling on the significance of the Alexa Ranking based on identified website visits and its Rankings. As a result, there have been a number initiatives where a connection has been established between the number of visitors and the ranking.

How does Alexa Rank Websites?

Alexa rank websites based on the information that they obtain through the Alexa Toolbar. The said toolbar is available for all users of Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer as well as through the Alexa internet site. To be able to get these statistics, users must install the Alexa toolbar on their browser.

Alexa Rank vs. Alexa Score:

There are similarities between Alexa Rank and Alexa Score. It means that when two similar websites having the same page rank are showed in search results, the website that has the lowest Alexa score would often get higher in the search engine.

What is Alexa Rank Checker?

Alexa Rank Checker is a free online tool that is mostly used for SEO purposes. It allows website owners and webmasters to have an idea of the current position of a website on the Alexa ranking system.

With this tool, one can check Alexa rank of up to 5 URLs in just one click. It is the easiest and quickest way to get information in an instant about the website status and incoming links as well as the ranking of other similar websites.

Once you get the Alexa ranking of your website, you will learn more about your site traffic, domain usage, and other important information to help your website perform better and to attract more site visitors.

This Alexa Rank Checker will come handy of you want to check the status of your website daily. All you need to do is to write the URL in the space provided and click on the “Check” button.

Why should you use this Alexa Rank Checker?

The number of visits to your website is verified and were made public by Alexa. This free online Alexa Rank Checker helps internet users in analyzing the status of their website as well as other sites. It will show them the number of page views and many other important information that can they can use in optimizing their website.

This Alexa Rank Checker lets you to easily compare and compete with other websites. You can use this tool anytime you want free of charge, so you can track the performance of your website daily. It provides you an in-depth report that can help you find out more about your website and the required action for improvement.

Alexa rating specifies the status of a website or a blog and the number of visitors. So if you want to know the number of visitors you get for your website, then this Alexa Rank Checker will do its job for you! Not only that, because you can also track the performance of your competitor’s website with this free online Alexa checker.

How is Alexa Rank Checker unique from others?

The Small SEO Tools - Alexa Rank Checker is the best tool in its category. We have developed this tool using a unique algorithm that carefully analyzes the URL that the users provide to give them fast results. Our developers have made sure that everything is tested and in order so that we can give our users reliable results. They can use the data in coming up with a strategy to increase traffic by implementing necessary improvements in search optimization of their website. They can also use this Alexa Rank Checker in marketing strategies to help them save cost.

This Alexa Checker tool is very easy to use, simply enter the URLs that you want to check; you can add up to 5 domain name and our system will check them simultaneously.

How to do keyword research ? Digital Creativity

All keyword research starts with a topic, idea, or head keyword, also called a "seed." This seed can come from your industry knowledge, from being an active member in related online forums and groups, or from the products and services you provide. Make sure you have a spreadsheet or notepad where you can jot these terms down as you journey through the labyrinth of websites and social networks to discover variations on those keywords.

Once you've got a good list, you'll want to determine how popular each keyword is and how difficult it would be to rank for them on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is where a keyword tool comes in handy. Start by entering a seed into a research tool like Keyword Explorer. You'll be presented with details on how popular the search is and how difficult it is to rank well for that keyword.

Seed terms don't just lead to metrics like search volume; they also open the door to the bounty of related keyword suggestions that you may not have thought of yet. You can see how a simple seed word you picked up through a Facebook group or from a conversation with a customer can grow into a useful tree of keywords brimming with ideas for your pages or next blog post.

How often should I do keyword research in SEO ? Digital Creativity

Keyword research isn't just a one-off task. Your website's foundation is built on keywords, so precisely what building blocks you use requires regular re-evaluation and maintenance. Search language shifts constantly, new keywords are being formed all the time, and your audience's needs develop and grow. As a result, keyword research is a job worth doing whenever you're looking to create new website content. This includes when you're looking at starting a new website, if you're writing a new blog post for an existing site, when you're deciding whether to promote a particular product or service, and beyond. It's also rather handy if you're restructuring your existing site and consolidating your content.

Your website content should serve to fulfill the needs of your audience. By regularly assessing the ways in which people search and by identifying not just the most popular searches but also the specific and ever-changing ways that people search for content within your niche of the internet, you can continue to create content your audience will enjoy and share.

What is Keyword Research in SEO ? Digital Marketing

Keyword research is a core SEO task that involves identifying popular words and phrases people enter into search engines -make in an attempt to figure out what to rank for. Researching keywords gives marketers a better understanding of how high the demand is for certain keywords and how hard it would be to compete for those terms in the organic search results, offering some direction to optimization efforts.

Keyword research isn'tjust about verifying how many searches a particular keyword has — it's also about exploring the many varied ways that people use language to research an idea or topic. As such, researching popular keywords isn't just a big part of search engine optimization, it's also a major element of content marketing as a whole. Why? Because it can help you find ideas for your next blog post, learn more about the needs of your audience, and keep up to date with the lingo of the ever-changing search landscape. Ultimately, by researching the words people type into search engines and using this research to create targeted content, you can drive the right traffic to your site — traffic that is more likely to convert.
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